Tuesday, May 8, 2007

YuuCHI no tanjyoubi

Yes, its yuu-chi tanjyoubi...
ima ne, i'm kinda busy and almost forgot >_________<

not only his birthday but almost everything else... i really have to pick up some pace..

otona rashiku ne?

Saturday, May 5, 2007


Ne minna!
Akhirnya gw menemukan juga fungsi cd jaman dulu yang berkantong itu sodara2!
Setelah pengamatan dan observasi yang lumayan lama (35 detik, red.) terhadap kkantong cd jadul milik salah seorang anggota keluarga gw....akhirnya gw menyadari kalo kantong tersebut berfungsi untuk pipis!! wahahaha...prakteknya adalah dengan meng#*&^%$ &*^$# lalu tinggal pipis deh....sayang gw gak bisa tampilin ilustrasinya, ntar ditutup lagi blog ini,hehehe...yah, akhirnya rasa penasaran yang membuncah ini terbayarkan juga..emang jadi orang yang selalu curious itu banyak gunanya!!!hehehe...
well minna...see you guys at another baka invention!!!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Dear Minna!

Ah, anak goblok bernama andhina (biasa dikenal dengan nama penulis X) susah banget barusan mu create post.baru nulis title nya aja udah gw save buat di publish..but minna, it doesnt matter, we're living in such a baka world anyway...hahaha
hari ini, tepatnya malam2 buta setengah pagi ini, gw mu ngomongin kenapa, why, celana dalam pria vintage alias jaman dulu (yang putih masih ada tulisannya Hings or whatever) punya kantong ajaib dibagian depannya?
gw agak bingung kalo lagi liat salah satu cd milik anggota keluarga gw...jadi gw mu mengadakan riset dihari2 kedepan untuk mengetahui apakah fungsinya (note : barusan temen yang lagi nongkrong ma gw bilang, ntar lu dibilang pervert lho...kata gw mah gapapa..its a baka world anyway!!!)
ini baru preview aja...tapi gw pengen tau juga, ada gak sih orang selain gw yang penasaran juga sama fungsi kantong itu...hahaha..
gw keburu bosen neh...jadiiiii..ja minna!!!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

MYOJO-Kiss&Love-Summer2006-空想OR妄想 #4

Tacchon Date

In the morning go to my girlfriend house, and put the eye-mask and the ear plug on. Even if she only wears the pajama its okay. No need to bring the wallet or putting on any make up. Then the two of us rides in a taxi. The destination is a secret, but it’s actually heading out to the airport. At the place where the super high-speed jet aircraft is located. After we arrived at our destination, I Took off her eye-mask and ear-plug, and greeting her [Aloha~]. Yes, we’re going to Hawaii. Then she changed into a lovely dress, and we got into the limosine I prepared, going to someplace for breakfast. Not to a restaurant but to a hill with a great landscape view, I made (cooked) the bentou by myself. Then, we go to the beach for Bodyboarding→going to the accessories shop… And we wander around various places. I'd give her one of rose and said to her, [I love you]. At the time i give her the 100th rose, I'll say [Until 100 years from now, let’s always be together]. That’s my proposal for her. Hawaii, actually I consider my work first but it would be a great place to go right?