Wednesday, March 14, 2007

MYOJO-Kiss&Love-Summer2006-空想OR妄想 #3

YamaPi Date

On the date day, pick up my girlfriend at her house by car. Then we go driving along the seashore with it, to give such an outdoorsy impression. Then, set my portable player to play the music in shuffle, and listen to it while driving♪ Occasionally, I sing a long the song, then think it embarrassing (laugh). When arriving at the beach, we can hear the sound of wave, and then we will talk over and over about many things. Then we soak ourselves under the light of the sun because we love it, even wait until the sunset comes will be great, isn’t it. Mmm, it would feel just like in movie... Aside from going to the Yokohama*, I would love to see a movie, go to the Game Centre, and maybe take pictures at the photo-booth. That kind of very normal feeling is great. Only for dinner, I will take my girlfriend to eat anything she likes. High-class Chinese restaurant, or high-class Japanese-style restaurant, anything is OK! However, what I really want to eat is my girlfriend’s Home-cooking ♡

*Yokohama can probably be read seaside as the kanji [横] yoko means beside and [浜] hama means seashore or beach.

1 comment:

scattie said...

Yamapi looks so pretty here, it's depressing why can't i be pretty like her..him :P i wanna go a date with Pi!!!thanks for the translation XD