Friday, March 9, 2007

MYOJO Kiss&Love Summer 2006 SAPURI BOOK

MYOJO Kiss & Love Summer 2006 Suppli Book
[From Myojo xx/2006]

アイドル10人に登場して頂き、自分勝手&わがままに理想のデートについて語ってもらいました! 綿密に計画を立てる人もいれば、二人で待ったり…な人も。そして、妄想が暴走しちゃってる人も!? 楽しみながら読んでね。

Fantasy or Wild Idea!? Date Plan
10 Idol Perfect Plan, based on their own thoughts of what to do on their perfect date! A detailed plan they make, for only them and their lover. Moreover, even some have a wild idea of a perfect date! Enjoy reading!

Coming up... The Perfect Date of:

Yamashita Tomohisa, Nishikido Ryo, Yokoyama Yuu, Tegoshi Yuya, and Ohkura Tadayoshi!

By: miyachoo

1 comment:

totchie said...

yaaah.. kalow mbegituw guah ajah sinih yang jadi artis ceweknya... pasti dengan smangadh '45 dan (tentunyah) napsuw membaarahhhh guah akan menampilkan adegan chuuu the best ever, hahaha... *kabur sambil monyong2 latihan nyipok*